I simply want to take this time to express my thanks for the wonderful job that your company did last month...I will be passing on to anyone that asks who did my windows that I highly recommend your company!
Cincinnati Glass Block Company, along with Dayton Glass Block Company, and Laserblox.com are owned and operated locally by G.L. Pierce, Inc.
We began with manufacturing glass block basement windows. We now produce fully-assembled partition walls; glass block shower kits that include specially designed bases, and our new nail in place CrystaLok® vinyl framed glass block window for new construction applications.
We also distribute individual glass blocks from the finest manufacturers worldwide, along with a range of installation products to make any project easy for the contractor or do-it-yourselfer.
Our installation departments are capable of handling any application, from the largest commercial installation to residential basement windows. We have installed glass block products for more than 100,000 Tri-State homes and businesses throughout Greater Cincinnati, Dayton, and Northern Kentucky
We believe in producing, distributing and installing high quality products; but our job doesn’t end when the product leaves the factory; we provide the tools and the knowledge necessary to ensure our customer’s success.